Asia’s Chief Executive Perspectives

The Asia Business Council’s fifth annual survey revealed that members are cautiously optimistic toward economic prospects for the coming 12 months. They see strong growth in Asia but are concerned about the weak recovery in the U.S. and Europe. The survey also asked about overall investment plans and trends affecting the Asian business environment and the executives’ own businesses.

Highlights of the survey findings are as follows:

  • 53% of survey respondents believe that Asia’s economy will improve at an even stronger rate, while 41% believe that Asia’s business conditions will continue on their current course over the next 12 months.
  • The largest proportion of members invested in China in the past year (58%), more than double those who invested in India.
  • Respondents indicate heightened concerns over energy and environmental issues take the spotlight, as well as market volatility and tensions in international relations.

For an more details on the survey results, please click on the link below: