
Books by Asia Business Council members and staff.


By Hong Wen
October 27, 2007

为了了解亚洲区域在能源和环境方面所面对的挑战,本研究深入研讨以市场作为主导的解决方案。建筑物消耗的能源是全球能源总消耗量的三分之一,并且释放相当的温室气体。 全球一半以上的新建筑坐落于中国和印度境内。研究指出,中印两国只需更有效地利用能源便可减少25%的建筑能源消耗量,而其他亚洲国家也可取得类似成效。《建筑节能》充分代表本会的研究方针:深入探讨本会会员切身关注和对社会大众在生活和工作上有更广泛影响的问题。

China and the WTO: Changing China, Changing World Trade

By Supachai Panitchpakdi and Mark L. Clifford
Jan 25, 2002

After fifteen long years of dialogue and heated debate, China has at last gained entry to the World Trade Organization. It will take its place among the other member states at the end of 2001. This unique and important book analyses the implications for world trade of this momentous event, as seen by the next