Our Focus Areas

January 29, 2012

Book Review

When trying to discern Asia’s future, perhaps the viewpoints we should seek most are those of Asia’s young, the people who will, after all, be living that future. Book reviewed by Nicholas Gordon, Asian Review of Books. This article also appeared in the Jakarta Globe.

January 12, 2012

Asia’s Time of Youth

Young Asians have higher expectations for political and economic institutions. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

December 8, 2011

《虎子的眼光》(“Through The Eyes of Tiger Cubs”)

亞洲被視為未來的經濟重心,所謂太平洋世紀,經過多年發展,亞洲新一代的視野與思維,已經變得更加國際化。最近,有朋友介紹一本《透過虎子的眼光:看亞洲的新一代》(《Through The Eyes of Tiger Cubs :Views of Asia’s Next Generation》),頗能反映下一代亞洲精英的價值觀。 By Siu Sai Wo, Chief Editor of Sing Tao Daily.

November 30, 2011

Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs: Views of Asia’s Next Generation

  A new generation is coming to power in Asia. Where their parents’ lives too often were defined by hunger, war, and revolution, Asia’s youth have grown up in the midst of the biggest economic boom in history. Today’s young Asians are better-fed, better-educated, and have access to the world through the Internet in a

November 18, 2011

The Spirit of Asia’s Youth Will Serve It Well (PDF)

Perhaps the best people to answer the question of what Asia’s biggest problems are members of the younger generation—the ones who will, after all, have to come up with the solutions the region will need. By Bernard Chan, former member of the Hong Kong executive and legislative councils.

November 17, 2011

On the Watch (PDF)

Whether or not one supports the Occupy movements, what’s unmistakable is the fact that it is not just the bottom rungs of our society who are dissatisfied with the status quo. It is also those who are in their prime years, having received decent education and grown up as Asia’s tiger economies were taking off.

October 10, 2011

Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs

By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford and Program Director Janet Pau. (Page 73 of 76)

September 30, 2011

Asia Business Council Annual Survey 2011

Asia’s Chief Executive Perspectives The Asia Business Council’s sixth annual survey revealed growing concerns in future business conditions. Members are concerned about inflation in Asia and continued financial instability in the United States and Europe. The survey also asked about overall investment plans and trends affecting the Asian business environment and the executives’ own businesses.

September 28, 2011

Economic Transformation of the Greater Pearl River Delta: Moving Up the Value Chain

  The Greater Pearl River Delta (PRD) region has succeeded in the past as the world’s factory. With about 100 million people, Guangdong province would rank as one of the world’s larger countries, with a population about the same as the Philippines and larger than Germany or Vietnam. The PRD region, where about half of

June 10, 2011

Red Flags on Growth

A stultified innovation environment and increasingly stale labor market present some of the biggest challenges to China’s economy in the coming decade. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.