Huawei is one of those really big Chinese companies This opinion piece studies the obstacles holding it back in race for tech start-ups. By Asia Business Council Program Director Janet Pau.
The rise of digital technology businesses has the potential to transform the Chinese economy. Digital innovation is becoming the country’s new driver of growth, raising national competitiveness, incomes, and living standards. As China is reaching the point where the rise in wages has made China less cost-competitive as an exporter, the country is attempting to …
Hong Kong is overlooking a ready-made opportunity to improve air quality – it should catch up with the latest technology in electric buses being developed and produced over the border. By Princeton in Asia Fellow Thomas London.
劳动力成本的优势正在消失,因此,自主创新对中国变得更加迫切。By Asia Business Council Program Director Janet Pau.
Steve Jobs has been unceasingly steadfast in his defense of Apple’s operations in China – despite recent public uproar over factory conditions. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.
Whether Asia can become more innovative is a question whose answer holds the key to raising Asia’s future competitiveness and living standards for its populations. The region’s past few decades of rapid economic growth have largely been driven by its ability to become the factory of the world. Foreign know-how was important and there was …