Hong Kong needs to trim its dependence on the services sector, accelerate research and development, and open up new growth paths — and key to its economic survival are its fundamental values of personal and judicial freedoms. By Program Director Janet Pau.
Hong Kong can better prepare for pandemic risks by turning to disruptive technology and financial innovation. By Asia Business Council Program Director Janet Pau.
Climate change is not just an environmental but also a looming public health crisis: expect more cases of heat-related illnesses and mosquito-borne diseases. Asian countries are finding hi-tech solutions and Hong Kong should prepare, too. By Asia Business Council Program Associate Jennifer Lo.
In 2016, China accounted for roughly one quarter of the world’s total $329 billion of new energy investment, according to BNEF. More importantly, China sees the green energy transition as an important source of innovation. By Asia Business Council Adjunct Fellow Jill Baker.
Getting more women into jobs by addressing workplace gender discrimination and the pay gap are priority issues for an ageing Hong Kong seeking economic transition. By Asia Business Council Program Director Janet Pau and Princeton in Asia Fellow Joanna Sobolewska.
This briefing focuses on the opportunities and levers to unleash the potential of women, who present an immediate and sizable opportunity for Asia and the Gulf. Improving the education and workforce participation of women in the region is good for society, productivity, and the economy. Expanding opportunities and breaking barriers for women in Asia and …
Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark Clifford spoke to Reuters about green job growth in China.
This opinion piece calls for a rethink of Hong Kong’s job creation strategy to address young people’s frustration with social and personal stagnation – the real driving force behind the Occupy protests. By Asia Business Council Program Director Janet Pau.
In the past half-century, Asia has seen remarkable growth, lifting millions out of extreme poverty and achieving GDP growth rates that are the envy of the world. While GDP growth has been impressive on the surface, not everyone is benefitting from growth, as higher GDP growth for countries has not necessarily translated to better …
Asia’s economic growth in the past half century has hinged on its “demographic dividend” – it is home to well over half of the world’s population and the majority of the world’s skilled and unskilled workers. Yet many parts of Asia are facing a job creation challenge, a malaise that has hit developed and developing …