Our Focus Areas

May 20, 2011

Sustainability, Squared Away

Creating effective environmental policies will never be a cakewalk in any country – but a glance at current solutions being offered to address Hong Kong’s filled-up landfills shows that there sure is a lot of gas to cook with. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

April 8, 2011

Becoming a Young and Unsuccessful Job-Seeker

What was the optical starting point of the revolutions in the Middle East? – How its legacy will affect China in the years to come. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

March 24, 2011

A Nuclear Industry Wake-Up Call

The Fukushima nuclear accident has sent sudden vibrations of doubt through China’s bold plans to expand its nuclear power industry. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

February 14, 2011

Greener Local Pastures (PDF)

Hong Kong must wake up to its reliance on food imports and consider strategic action to ensure food affordability and sustainability. By Asia Business Council Program Director Janet Pau.

January 21, 2011

Soft Power, Bright Power

How can China build a soft-power image? Contributing to the Green Climate Fund would go a long way in burnishing its public diplomacy campaign. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

October 12, 2010

Like Adenauer, Striking While the Iron’s Hot

German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s postwar decade holds an important lesson for today’s China, namely – the decision to revalue its currency. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

September 27, 2010

Asia Business Council Annual Survey 2010

Asia’s Chief Executive Perspectives The Asia Business Council’s fifth annual survey revealed that members are cautiously optimistic toward economic prospects for the coming 12 months. They see strong growth in Asia but are concerned about the weak recovery in the U.S. and Europe. The survey also asked about overall investment plans and trends affecting the

September 27, 2010

Mute Wonder

If this is the Asian century, where is Asia’s media voice? By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

September 27, 2010

Solutions for Asia’s Cities

The future of Asia’s countries lies in its cities. Asian cities are experiencing huge growth in population and wealth; they have the potential to become centers for an increasingly sophisticated workforce and consumer markets with growing purchasing power. Cities are high-productivity centers that generate much of a country’s wealth. But if urban growth is not

August 23, 2010

Prepared for Pandemics (PDF)

The superbug scare should spur Asia to get ready to deal with the next disease outbreak. By Asia Business Council Researcher Alex Zhang.