Tag : Investment

December 24, 2024

Asia and the Gulf: Building Emerging Industries in an Uncertain World

Asia and the Gulf have deepened their interdependence over the past decade, particularly in energy, trade, investment, and technology. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations are strengthening ties with Asian countries like China, India, Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN, fostering mutual economic growth. These partnerships are driven by shared goals including economic diversification, energy security, and the advancement of emerging technologies like AI, renewable energy, and electric vehicles. Growing Asian-Gulf ties are strategically important amid global and regional challenges.

September 7, 2022

Making Globalization Work Better for Asia

Asia’s economic growth and development have been unparalleled over the past 75 years. Poverty has declined continuously and more rapidly than at any time in recorded history, and significant welfare gains have been achieved. These achievements have been driven by Asia’s growing participation in international trade and global value chains, which underpin the globalization process. More broadly, globalization refers to the integration of economies that has been achieved through growing levels of international trade, finance, and investment, and through the mounting exchanges of people, ideas, and data.

January 15, 2021

Temasek (Singapore) – Tapping Investment Expertise and Diverse Networks to Help Fight the Virus

Among its many initiatives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Temasek’s investments in medical initiatives best demonstrate its agility, resourcefulness, and innovation. Widely seen as one of the most sophisticated government-owned investors in the world, the Singapore-based company has been applauded for tapping its diverse networks and expertise to find solutions for global shortages of