Our Focus Areas

January 14, 2009

The Aborted Revolution

A new study contends that China never lived up to the promise of its early economic reform. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

November 8, 2008

Spared By a Green Thumb

China’s position on the environment has been encouraging but implementation has hardly kept apace. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark L. Clifford.

November 28, 2007

Asia Business Council Annual Survey 2007

Asia’s Chief Executive Perspectives The Council’s second annual survey, conducted in September- October 2007, found increasing (and, as it turned out, well-founded) concern among members about the global economy. Other issues of concern were of a long-term nature. These included: The availability of a high quality work force—education quality, and entrepreneurship and innovation—remains a top

September 28, 2006

Asia Business Council Annual Survey 2006

Asia’s Chief Executive Perspectives (2006) The Council conducted its first annual survey of members in October 2006. This poll is designed to gauge Asian business leaders’ views on regional and global issues. The 2006 survey found that access to a high quality workforce is the top issue for business and that energy and environmental issues

November 28, 2002

Education and Continued Economic Growth in Asia

Education is critical to continued economic growth and development. In a Time magazine article, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Singapore’s Senior Minister of State for Education said: “The existing education system has produced reliable managers for predictable times, but it now needs to produce a new breed of leaders who have a certain ruggedness, an ability to respond

November 30, 2002

The Asian Business Community and the WTO

By Daniel H. Rosen and Jacob Kirkegaard The evolving relationship between the private sector and government is of great importance to the Asia Business Council. We believe it is critical to benchmark the current relationship between business and government in terms of policymaking with the aim of ascertaining whether the status quo warrants change. To achieve this goal,