Our Focus Areas

December 15, 2021

How cities can be successful in the post-pandemic world

The interconnectedness that global cities once prized risks being eroded and dismantled as Covid-19 lingers and new variants emerge. Success will depend on cities’ ability to balance openness with health protection, growth with better livelihoods, and diversity with local character that fosters a sense of belonging.

November 17, 2021

Hong Kong’s language advantage is good for business. Tech can make it better

Technology has changed the game, making it easier to acquire and improve language and communication skills. An international business hub like Hong Kong, where languages are critical for deal-making, must leverage technology to promote learning.

October 19, 2021

Why Asia’s CEOs fear inflation as biggest hurdle to coronavirus recovery

Supply-side constraints, loose monetary policy, geopolitical tensions and weakening consumer sentiment are just some of the issues weighing on business leaders’ minds. Asia’s economic vitality means it will remain a leading source of growth in the future, but expect more bumps on the road to recovery.

September 15, 2021

How to speed up the launch of waste charging in Hong Kong

Legco’s approval of the waste charging bill comes with a request for a delay in implementation that makes little sense. The success of the recycling schemes in Taipei and Seoul underline the role civil society can play in building trust and community buy-in.

August 27, 2021

Networks for a Resilient Future: An Asian Perspective

In 2021, resilience is undoubtedly top-of-mind for business leaders as they face the COVID-19 pandemic and threat of climate change amidst a precarious geopolitical environment. While corporate resilience is the capacity of an individual company to transform nimbly, rebound quickly, and prepare effectively for dramatically changed circumstances, collective resilience refers to the capacity of multiple

August 17, 2021

How safe international meetings can help Hong Kong achieve an economic reset

Hong Kong has managed the logistics of holding a major international art fair, book fair and industry conferences during the pandemic without seeing outbreaks. Holding one or two premier events with visitors from low-risk locations will boost confidence and cement Hong Kong’s status as a hub for safe meetings.

September 3, 2021

What Would a Cashless Society Mean for Asian Consumers?

Technology and COVID-19 have led to increasing adoption of cashless transactions. More and more, consumers are buying online, and vendors are rushing to adjust their business models to accommodate remote buying and touchless payments. In the face of this change, what does going cashless mean for different economies?

September 4, 2021

Asia Business Council Annual Survey 2021

This year’s survey indicated a historic rise in business optimism in Asia driven by a belief that the pandemic-driven downturn has finally hit bottom. Most businesses see demand for their products on the upswing. Yet this optimism is tempered by acknowledgement of external risks. Geopolitical tensions and the emergence of new and more dangerous virus

June 24, 2021

“Asia’s Challenge 2030” Global Essay Competition: A Compendium of Award-winning Essays

The “Asia’s Challenge 2030” Global Essay Competition challenged students across the world to answer the question: How would you address some of the most important issues in Asia in the coming decade? Participants were asked to tackle a problem in one of three categories: Economy, Trade, and Finance; Environment and Public Health; and Cities and

June 2, 2021

Asia Business Council Members Come to Aid of India and Call on International Business Community to Address the Humanitarian Crisis

In May 2021, as India witnessed a deadly surge in COVID-19 cases, Asia Business Council members took immediate action to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow members in India and help alleviate a humanitarian disaster of extreme proportions. In response to an appeal letter from Council Chairman Daniel Tsai and Vice-chairman Tak Niinami, members made donations to