Staying ahead will require diversifying in hi-tech sectors, boosting workforce resilience and advancing sustainable supply chains
The Asia Business Council conducted its 2024 survey of members in July and August 2024, offering a set of perspectives from CEOs and Chairmen of predominantly Asian businesses. Overall business sentiment was split, with 43 percent of respondents indicating optimism about business conditions improving in the next year, 11 percent foreseeing a worsening business environment, …
Asian countries may suffer setbacks in their manufacturing ambitions if they aren’t able to produce more sustainably from the start and decarbonise rapidly
Increasingly, new cross-border environmental regulations like the EU’s carbon tax will leave countries such as Bangladesh and Cambodia little choice but to play catch up or risk losing out on global trade. Asian markets can embrace sustainability through artificial intelligence, clean energy investments and more collaboration among industries.
The Asia Business Council conducted its annual survey of members in July 2023. Nearly half of the respondents show a growing optimism about business conditions in the upcoming year, anticipating Asian economies will continue to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. However, economic challenges are at the forefront of their minds, with concerns about inflation, followed …
Asian cities are significant contributors to climate change. Cities in the region are also hubs of economic activity, centers of financial capital and talent, and incubators of innovation and progress. The report offers frameworks, recommendations, and case studies to illustrate how cities could leverage their unique strengths and evolve their development models to concurrently pursue climate resilience, poverty reduction, and biodiversity protection goals.
At the COP27 meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh, climate negotiators laid out a plan to implement the global goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The private sector must play a role in meeting climate targets and can build on that momentum. With this statement, Asian business leaders have committed to taking climate action and to safeguarding and managing nature sustainably.
The Council also conducted a survey (see box on the left below) to understand what drives corporate climate action in Asia, and what policies could accelerate decarbonization. See below for more on the key policy drivers we identified, and why we believe climate change should be a core part of the region’s economic growth strategy.
As Asian economies face recession worries, many are putting climate action on the back burner – but climate resilience goes hand in hand with economic stability.
Asia’s economic growth and development have been unparalleled over the past 75 years. Poverty has declined continuously and more rapidly than at any time in recorded history, and significant welfare gains have been achieved. These achievements have been driven by Asia’s growing participation in international trade and global value chains, which underpin the globalization process. More broadly, globalization refers to the integration of economies that has been achieved through growing levels of international trade, finance, and investment, and through the mounting exchanges of people, ideas, and data.
Increasing supply chain resilience in Asia can help blunt the worst effects of climate change, improve biodiversity and closed loop thinking, and even help eradicate the scourge of modern slavery.