Our Focus Areas

September 19, 2023

Sweet smell of Vietnam’s durian export success shows China’s regional influence cannot be ignored

The US is turning to Vietnam in its attempts to diversify supply chains and curb China’s regional influence, but that is easier said than done. Vietnam’s booming durian exports are just one example of its close economic dependence on China, complicating US ‘friendshoring’ efforts.

August 15, 2023

How businesses still upbeat on Asia can adapt to uncertainty as the new normal

China’s growth trajectory, the impact of global economic conditions, geopolitical tensions and ambiguity on the energy transition are all risks. But businesses can prepare by boosting in-house intelligence and diversity – both in recruitment and operations.

September 7, 2022

Making Globalization Work Better for Asia

Asia’s economic growth and development have been unparalleled over the past 75 years. Poverty has declined continuously and more rapidly than at any time in recorded history, and significant welfare gains have been achieved. These achievements have been driven by Asia’s growing participation in international trade and global value chains, which underpin the globalization process. More broadly, globalization refers to the integration of economies that has been achieved through growing levels of international trade, finance, and investment, and through the mounting exchanges of people, ideas, and data.

September 21, 2022

Ukraine war, energy crisis and geopolitical tensions mean Asian businesses must prepare for the worst

The latest Asia Business Council survey shows firms are worried about politics increasingly encroaching on business and driving potential decoupling. Energy is the top concern amid high prices and the continuing fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

August 27, 2021

Networks for a Resilient Future: An Asian Perspective

In 2021, resilience is undoubtedly top-of-mind for business leaders as they face the COVID-19 pandemic and threat of climate change amidst a precarious geopolitical environment. While corporate resilience is the capacity of an individual company to transform nimbly, rebound quickly, and prepare effectively for dramatically changed circumstances, collective resilience refers to the capacity of multiple

February 22, 2021

Measure, Manage, Disclose: Asia’s Corporate Path to Net-Zero Emissions

Blunting the impact of climate change is our time’s greatest challenge. The landmark 2015 Paris Agreement on climate pledged to keep the rise in global temperatures to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The overall Paris pledge is the sum of individual country pledges, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), to drive decarbonization. But,

June 16, 2021

China’s Ministry Of Ecology And Environment Responds To Concerns Over Damaged Fuel Rods At Taishan Nuclear Plant

Against a backdrop of electricity shortages in China’s most important provincial economy, a report of a possible radiological leak from China’s Taishan nuclear reactor is raising questions about safety and transparency of information.

February 28, 2019

Public Health, Climate Change, and Technology: Innovating Toward a Healthier Asia

Public health and climate change are both great challenges for Asia. Together they create a nexus of concern that could become the next big crisis for the region. While rapid economic development has pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty and people’s health and lives are much improved, Asia is dealing with an emerging set

February 26, 2018

Building Resilience in Businesses and Supply Chains in Asia

Typhoons, terrorism, the threat of war, tsunamis, earthquakes, and epidemic disease. These are but a few of the challenges Asian companies have confronted since the century began. Risk is not new. What’s new is that ever-more-complex business models make companies vulnerable to risk as never before. What’s new, too, is that we are running up

September 25, 2017

Artificial Intelligence in Asia: Preparedness and Resilience

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to transform businesses, jobs, and economies. Machines are increasingly able to perform tasks that only humans could do previously—often more quickly and accurately, too. Significantly, they are also starting to generate results or insights by themselves when given access to data, without being explicitly programmed. AI presents an enormous opportunity—those