
February 28, 2020

Lessons from the Future: Boosting Growth in an Aging Japan

The world is growing older, and demographic decline will change the fabric of societies across Asia, presenting challenges but also opportunities to remake society for the better. Medicine and health care are among the most important of these challenges and opportunities. Health and medical issues are coming to the fore not only in Japan but,

September 30, 2019

Digital Technology for Inclusion: The India Story

Using India as a case, this Asia Business Council briefing looks at how the use of digital technology by the government and private sector is helping to change society, largely for the better. It explores how digital technology has enabled more people to access government benefits and expand economic opportunities in ways that were elusive

February 28, 2019

Public Health, Climate Change, and Technology: Innovating Toward a Healthier Asia

Public health and climate change are both great challenges for Asia. Together they create a nexus of concern that could become the next big crisis for the region. While rapid economic development has pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty and people’s health and lives are much improved, Asia is dealing with an emerging set

September 15, 2018

Shenzhen, Beijing, and Silicon Valley: Chinese and U.S. Technology Clusters Vie for Supremacy

Driven by a proliferation of emerging, connected, and converging technologies, the economic future for China and the U.S will be one of immense change. Currently, a nation’s ability to innovate is closely linked to perception of national mastery, extending national hegemony into ecosystems of business infrastructure such as those created by large technology companies. Increasingly,

February 26, 2018

Building Resilience in Businesses and Supply Chains in Asia

Typhoons, terrorism, the threat of war, tsunamis, earthquakes, and epidemic disease. These are but a few of the challenges Asian companies have confronted since the century began. Risk is not new. What’s new is that ever-more-complex business models make companies vulnerable to risk as never before. What’s new, too, is that we are running up

September 25, 2017

Artificial Intelligence in Asia: Preparedness and Resilience

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to transform businesses, jobs, and economies. Machines are increasingly able to perform tasks that only humans could do previously—often more quickly and accurately, too. Significantly, they are also starting to generate results or insights by themselves when given access to data, without being explicitly programmed. AI presents an enormous opportunity—those

February 26, 2017

Decarbonization: Opportunities in ASEAN

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) continues its rapid pace of urbanization and industrialization, making it a bright spot in the global economy. ASEAN’s growth relies on increasing amounts of electricity, and coal is an easy choice because it is cheap, abundant, and reliable. Unlike renewables, coal doesn’t need the sun to shine, the

September 26, 2016

Unleashing the Potential of Women in Asia and the Gulf

This briefing focuses on the opportunities and levers to unleash the potential of women, who present an immediate and sizable opportunity for Asia and the Gulf. Improving the education and workforce participation of women in the region is good for society, productivity, and the economy. Expanding opportunities and breaking barriers for women in Asia and

February 25, 2016

Smart Cities and Urban Innovation in Asia

Asia is the most rapidly urbanizing region in the world, and getting urbanization right is important for the region’s long-term growth. This urban growth is largely an Asian story; there are currently 2 billion people living in Asian cities, and a billion additional people are expected to move and join them by 2030. The current

March 25, 2015

China’s Digital Economy Goes Global

The rise of digital technology businesses has the potential to transform the Chinese economy. Digital innovation is becoming the country’s new driver of growth, raising national competitiveness, incomes, and living standards. As China is reaching the point where the rise in wages has made China less cost-competitive as an exporter, the country is attempting to